How To Upcycle Your Pumpkin After Halloween

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Did you know there are ways on how to upcycle your pumpkin? Prepare to be amazed by these 5 easy ways to upcycle your pumpkin after Halloween.

How To Upcycle Your Pumpkin In 5 Easy Ways

Halloween’s come and gone, and the ghouls have all returned from whence they came. But those carved pumpkins remain…I’ve got some nifty ideas about how to spare your pumpkin from the garbage can. One word: upcycle. Make a face mask from the pulp, use the thick hull for a bird feeder and toast the seeds for a tasty fall snack. Happy upcycling!


1. Turn The Stem Into A Neat Coat Hook Or Earbuds Holder

Make sure to cut off all of the fleshy pumpkin pulp and dry out the stem completely (either bake in the oven at a low temperature for about an hour or let it sit in a dry spot for a few weeks). Once your stem is dry, nail it or affix to a wall to make a coat hanger, or affix it to a desk for a neat earbuds holder.


2. Toast The Seeds For A Seasonal Snack

Check out How To Upcycle Your Pumpkin After Halloween at

I know, I know, this is the obvious upcycle option. But old standards are old standards for a reason. In this case, for a delicious reason. Find 10 awesome pumpkin seed recipes here.


3. Turn Your Pumpkin Into A Bird Feeder

Check out How To Upcycle Your Pumpkin After Halloween at

If you build a pumpkin bird feeder, beautiful birds will come! The birds will surely send you a nice thank-you chirp once they see this. I have this project on my list, I love birds and I definitely don’t want to waste pumpkin.



4. Make A Rejuvenating Pumpkin Face Mask

Check out How To Upcycle Your Pumpkin After Halloween at

You might already know that pumpkin is good food you (low in fat, high in fiber), but did you know it’s also good for your skin? Pumpkins are chock-full of vitamins A, C, and E (all known wrinkle fighters), in addition to beta-carotene, zinc, potassium, and antioxidants, which help eliminate redness. Achieve that fresh look with this pumpkin face mask.


5. Compost Your Pumpkin

Check out How To Upcycle Your Pumpkin After Halloween at

Requires minimal effort and will make your compost pile happy. I placed my pumpkin in a plastic bag (make sure there are no holes!) and let it sit in a hot car to soften it up a bit before tossing it into my compost pile.


Do you want to know how to preserve your carved pumpkin? Learn how in this video from ABC15 Arizona:

Everyone loves the Halloween staple, pumpkin! But after Halloween, what happens to them? Make the most of your money and don’t just throw your pumpkin away after the Halloween. Now, you already know what to do!

We’ll definitely use all these ideas since we have few pumpkins this season, but what is your favorite? We’d love to hear what it is. Let us know in the comments section below!

Up Next: 15 DIY Ways To Decorate Your Home With Pumpkins This Fall


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Editor’s Note – This post was originally published in November 2015 and has been updated for quality and relevancy.

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